I was digging thru all the mini's I have the other day and found these old FASA Battletroops figures. I think I painted them about 5 or so years back. They were something I picked up off of E-Bay, painted, then shelved. You know how it is: You pick up a project, get it almost finished, then move onto something else. That's what happened with this set.
I got them off of E-Bay to play Battletroops with. I loved Battletech as a kid, and Mechwarrior: Dark Age had just come out which left me short of flat. I found the figures and the rules for Battletroops (and the Clantroops) expansion for pretty cheap. I even managed to get two more partial platoons of these guys off the net. I got one Krutia platoon (never painted) without the heavy weapons, and a second Stiener laser platoon (also never saw paint). I also found three elementals on E-Bay, and below is a shot of 2 of them.
I read thru the Battletroops/Clantroops rules but just didn't care for them. I think that's what killed the drive for me. I also found myself moving into a new area that was into more historical games. I got bit by the AK-47 kraze and latter fell into Flames of War. So I has these mini tucked away with no real ruleset to use with them. Until it happened....
Two Hour Wargames ran a special on 5150 for $20. What a steal, I got both a printed copy of the rules, and an instant PDF download key. Perfect. I had the zombie rules, and they looked cool. I figured that a ruleset like that would be perfect for a couple of Elementals to zoom around the board killing some Inner Sphere light infantry like it was going out of style.
But that's another post.
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